He annihilated a superb field in the Queen Elizabeth the Second at Ascot yesterday, and had Queally not restrained him for the first half a mile, he would probably have been out of sight by the finishing post. Frankel was virtually running sideways through that first half mile as Poor Tom tried not to go too early and after he got his head in front, he just cruised away from his high class opponents.
Ali, Pele, Bradman...Frankel is the equine equivalent. Brilliant, just brilliant! And Cecil is promising to keep him in racing next year!
His eventual reward will be to cover as many mares as his bollocks will allow. And how well he deserves it!
Tell me the truth, HF. Did you see Secretariat run? Or is this a different type of racing? Seriously. I was 7 when Big Red won The Belmont by 31 lengths. That horse was a sight to behold. I can't fathom any other being quite like him.
I didn't but didn't he run on dirt? He may be as brilliant, but believe you me, this Frankel is very, very, very special. Have you seen him?
Tell Warnock how good he is - the Rs might sign him up! LOL
HF, we have a little horse here in Australia called Black Caviar that has a 14-0 record with 6 group 1's on the trot. He wins for fun, annihilating fields.
I know its a different kettle of fish here but would love to see these two head to head, there is talk of Europe or Hong Kong after our spring carnival.
Frankel v Black Caviar (if they could find a distance) would be amazing!
Race horses are only ever artificially inseminated - two reasons - one is so they don't damage their legs and two so the very valuable seed can be spread around far more widely.
He still gets to look at horse pornography whilst he pulls himself off presumably?
The Antipodean wonder horse "So you think" has come up a little short since moving to the northern hemisphere mate. I would back Frankel against the best of yours. But that said, watching a truly brilliant thoroughbred is very special!
Secretariat did run on dirt. Does Frankel run on grass? I have not seen him but I will look on You Tube.
Ready for my next Cricket lesson by the way.
Of course and he has coped with all goings. Check him out on You Tube. Awesome!
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