Allardyce exploded: "I don’t know why some people moan about winning when all this team did before was lose. It doesn’t make any sense to me. I’ve been in this game all my life and not for the life of me would I expect a football fan to accept playing well and losing rather than playing well and winning, but if you are unable to play well then just win. Haven’t met one yet and I think it is all bollocks.”
Of course, what Sam Pot fails to understand is that it is possible to win whilst remaining true to the values and traditions of the club. We are, after all, a division down, playing against weak opposition, so we could turn on the style. Newcastle and West Brom played proper football and secured promotion. so did Blackpool. And so did Swansea. And despite Warnock, QPR played some decent stuff too apparently whilst winning this division. And Norwich weren't a long ball side. And, it should be noted, Southampton are top playing a refreshing brand of fast, direct, passing football - fashioned by Pardew.
But Sam Pot won't have it. We have to go back to Year Zero to win. The only way is the Sam Way. So prepare the killing fields, the Kymer Rouge and Blue are going to bludgeon their way to victory!
sorry mate u are wrong, westham have for many years all the wrong players lazy and gutless injury proned and overpaid and our last 3 managers have been clue less and of course our football has on the whole been crap and we lost game after game. in big sam we have a manager who only concern is to win win win.hard work a really fit team who can defend as they should. at this point of the season it does not mater how we play only winning and as we win game after game our football will get better the more we win... baz
bazza you da man, HF you is not.
Open latter to HF "I don't know why HF is moaning about winning," Allardyce told the Newham Recorder.
"Because all this team did before was lose.
"It doesn't make any sense to me, but you're talking about an idiot with half a brain.
"I've been a manager for 18 years now, and not for the life of me would I expect a football fan to accept playing well and losing, rather than playing well and winning, but if unable to play well, then just win."
A chimp would win with this current side in this division playing better football. Allardyce's "football" is ugly, regimented and an affront to everything West Ham stands for. Perhaps if one likes an utterly shit sport like American "football" where everything is a choreographed set play, where brawn beats brain and skill and watching the thing is as boring as batshit, then allardyce's teams or stoke city would be appealing, but since this is football, a game of creativity, skill, flair and fluidity, Allardyce's teams utterly suck. Curbishley played attractive football compared to the fat one.
Saunders is saying we offered diouf a deal on an independent web site ..."He's been training at West Ham and Wigan so I've monitored that hoping they weren't going to sign him," Saunders said. "West Ham offered him a deal and we've managed to persuade him to come and play for us.
what's that all about?
HF, I can't see how on one hand we all lambasted our team for years because they played awful football, and on the other hand lambast them for how they play winning football. I don't believe we have the players to play the way you want. Just take a look at Gus Poyet and Roberto Martinez. Their teams are great on the eye....and they are losing. Their post match comments sound eerily like Zola and Grant.
We are winning in a variety of ways. We did play attractive football against Blackpool, the first half against Leicster, against Watford. And we played hard nosed football against Brighton and Doncaster. I like that versatility.
I think Sam is doing a great job. Getting into pissing matches with supporters is a bad idea as the big man at Wolverhampton is finding out. But Sam likely doesn't care. So I say keep doing what you're doing, Sam.
I am inclined to agree with 06:41
There was some good football played on Saturday, as well as some lofted balls forward. I think with Carew in the team it gives us the ability to go a bit more direct if we need to, but it's not like that's all we did against Leicester. At the end of the day, we are still rebuilding and we are 2nd without really getting out of 3rd gear. Although Brighton was a bit of a wet flannel, I must admit, it was nice to see us defend again - haven't seen that for at least 4 years!
Trouble is 0641, we still have an injury list as long as King Kong's dick so Doctor Evil's fitness drills are proving no more successful that the Italian sports science approach supposedly introduced by Zola's hanger ons.
Dave, we were in the Prem, we are now in the Championship. I've listed the teams that PLAYED their way out of tthe division and they were not chock full of high talented individuals! Dear God, Southampton are top with Connolly in the team and he is a West Ham reject! You quote Brighton and Doncaster, why don't you quote Southampton, Norwich, QPR, Swansea, Newcastle, West Brom and Blackpool?
Dave, we were in the Prem, we are now in the Championship. I've listed the teams that PLAYED their way out of tthe division and they were not chock full of high talented individuals! Dear God, Southampton are top with Connolly in the team and he is a West Ham reject! You quote Brighton and Doncaster, why don't you quote Southampton, Norwich, QPR, Swansea, Newcastle, West Brom and Blackpool?
0804 It's a lovely idea that Allardyce was responding to me personally!
0957 LOL Could Grant win in this division with this team? Or Zola? There's the rub perhaps!
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